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Lecture 14, Tue 11/21
Parsing lab overview
Github repo for today:
What we are doing today:
- Going over what you need to understand for the parsing lab (lab08) by:
- Doing an alternative change to the arithmetic expression parser, namely, adding the
operator (with same precedence as*
This will give you SOME of what you need for the parsing lab.
- It will not give you all of it.
- BY DESIGN, some of the parts you have to figure out on your own
- Specifically: there are several places where there are at least two possible designs, neither of which is clearly better than the other.
- One token type with variations for relational operator? A base class extended several times? An interface? Separate token types with no class or interface relationship?
- Tokens for multi-character operators: new type? Or change the base type of operator scaffold to wrap a String instead of a char?